Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week In Review (Dec. 15- 21) & Card Give Away!

It's Sunday! Not only is it Week In Review day but it is now only 4 (or 5, depends on how you look at it) days till Christmas! Are you guys ready for it?? I'm not! I plan on getting through Kayla's birthday today and then I can start to really focus on Christmas ;)

By the looks of the samples for this week's review, the DT has had some time nice and warm in their craft room to do some amazing stamping! Who ever is the winner this week is going to have a hard time choosing their favorite.

What is Week In Review (WIR)?- WIR is where I showcase cards made by me and the There She Goes Design Team made throughout the week. Not only do you get to see gorgeous samples made by the DT but you also have the chance to WIN one of the cards! Just leave a comment on this post and tomorrow (Monday) I will pick a winner using a random number generator. That person will then get to pick their favorite card and the DT member that made it will send it to the them!




Jessica Jessica
MakiJessica Angela

Scroll down to the next post to see some pictures of our snow day :)


Tracey said...

So many fabulous cards!! Thanks for sharing!

Happy birthday to Kayla!!

Christi Flores said...

Hard time is right!! Everyone's cards are amazing!!!!

Stampinsilvia said...

ohh I would love to pick one of these items! Also wanted to let you know that I gave you a shout out on my blog...made a project using one of your stamp sets...lvoe it! I also put it on SCS! Love the new release...maybe after the move I'll be able to get some!

None None said...

Wonderful cards - as usual, your DT did an amazing job! Hope your daughter's birthday is a hit!

Cheryl B. said...

Beautiful cards again this week!


Anonymous said...

Wow another week over the moon I don't know how you lovely ladies do it.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas enjoy your time with family and friends. God bless you all.

Debbie/Phx AZ

Kim P said...

So many great cards and projects!

Happy Birthday Kayla!!

Anonymous said...

Such a fabulous group of cards/projects this week! What a hard decision it will be for the winner! Thanks for sharing all of your amazing pieces of work! =)


kat said...

This WIR has a clear winner IMO; I love Wendy Weixler's card. Lovely!

Rebecca Ednie said...

Cool, it would be fun to get to pick a card!

Janice said...

Such beautiful cards and the other items are great too. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hope Kayla has a wonderful birthday!

As always, gorgeous cards.

Lori A. said...

Wow!! Gorgeous cards!! I love them all!