So here are the details-
* All of the stamps are made out of clear high quality photopolymer.
* You can preorder these sets at the special price from August 18-August 22 (Mon.-Fri.)
* The prices are $20 & $12 (Regular price for these sets will be $24 & $15)
* Shipping will only be $2.50 or free for orders over $50 (Regular will be $5.00 or free over $50) Same price for shipping to Canada!
* I can only take pay pal for the preorder (I am able to accept credit/debit cards through my pay pal business account)
* Send me an email at with the subject being "Preorder" Then let me know which set(s) you would like along with your full name, address, and phone number . I will then send you the total and payment info.
* I have received confirmation that I will receive my first shipment at the end of the month. I will send yours to you as soon as I have them!
Why am I doing a preorder? Simple. Since I am just starting out on this grand adventure, I will have a limited amount of inventory to start off with. I just want to make sure that everyone who wants a set can get it for sure!

* Featured Designer*
As I have mentioned before, every month I will have a new featured designer. To pick this person, I will use a random number generator to pick from the number of customers that I have had through out that month. (1st-31st) That person will then get to work with me on designing their very own stamps set! Every person who pre orders, will also get their name into the September featured stamper drawing!
*Join me on this journey*
As a thank you to all of you that come along this journey with me, I will have a very special stamp set to give you that will not be for sale! To qualify for this free set, you just need to order 12 stamp sets between September 1st 2008- September 1st 2009. All pre orders will qualify for this also!
*Design team*
I am in the works of putting together a design team. I can tell you right now that I've got some amazingly talented people so far! I will post the list of my design team members on my blog as well as my website when everything is concrete. Be on the look out for that soon!
They are beautiful Jessica! I think that Here For You and Branching Out are my favourites. Butterfly Happiness is right up there too!
Good luck to you!
Jess I am sooooooooooo excited for you kiddo. This is it you are doing it!!!! It is so hard to pick a fav because they are all wonderful in a different way. If I had to pick one Butterfly Happiness would be my first pick. Ok go get'em Jess you have spread your wings now soar. I will be emailing you later with my preorder.
You Rock!
Debbie/Tawanda Lives
Congrats on getting your company going!
Hi Jessica. I love your sets, they are beautiful! I just wanted to know how they are mounted or are they clear? I am sure you probably told us in a post but I am pretty dense these days and have to be told twice!
OK, so pre ordering away.... Congrats Jess and I hope you are SOOO successful you buy a lil dog to stuff in a purse! LOL
Congrats Jessica! These are all beautiful sets! I'm living vicariously through you right now okay?!
Very cute stamps!! Yea for you!
I read KellyJo's post about you guys meeting up~
what part of Washington are you in
I am in Federal Way!!!
Huge Congrats on your new venture- your images are top notch!!! can we see the true size of these images?
2. I love that you are doing a drawing for a design very fair indeed.
3. Only write my name on those drawing papers so you draw out my name! haha...
Seriously..way to go!
Oh, these are just FABULOUS! CONGRATS to you!!!
Good luck on your endeavor! I'll be scrapin' up some pennies and diggin' in the cushions and soon you'll see me in your line of customers! ;)
BTW...thanks for stoppin' by my blog! :D
Wow! Your stamps are gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future! Good luck on this exciting venture!
This is SOOOOO exciting Jessica and I am THRILLED For you!! Can't wait to get my hands on these!!!
You've really come up with some FABULOUS sets, Jessica!! I am such a sucker for butterflies, however I think I'm better at making "Cutesy" cards than elegant ones, so I would have to say my favorite is definately the TREES! Love the versatility of it.
How fantabulous to pick a "featured designer" for the month! So, how will you see their work ahead of time? Will you have a gallery your customers can upload to? (I know you're going to pick a number, but I just thought maybe you'd like see what they're making with your sets?) =)
I know there are just soo many awesome gals out there and extremely talented to choose from for a design team. What a hard decision. I agree with Dawn...we'll make it easy on you and you can just PICK US!! LOL. Good luck, seriously with your journey. Can't wait to get that cute set in my hands!! {{HUGS}}
These are gorgeous! Congrats!!
Good for you! I love that there are such talented women out there making a go of it doing something with their passion of cardmaking!!
Hugs, michelle
Congratulations Jessica - I am so very happy and excited for you!! these designs are wonderful - I love the versatility that each set offers, and the sentiments are just lovely!!
I just stumbled onto your site today (from a link on Silke Ledlow's blog). Can I just say...Wow! What great images and stamp sets! What a fun adventure for you! I'd jump at the chance to be on your design team. Where in Washington do you live? I'm up in Bellingham. Good luck! :-)
Oh my gosh Jessica....congratulations!! I am so happy that my fellow Dirty Girl Denise pointed me in this direction! Your stamps are!
I'm on vacation now but will definitely be ordering when I'm home!!
Jess, these are fabulous!! I love the Here For You set. Sympathy cards are hard and flowers are not always what I want/need to use. And the images are fabulous for other projects too!!
I love your plans for the design team/featured stamper. What a great way to do it!
Oh, how fun! I love the possibility of a mail tree!!
OMG I think I may need to have them all!!!!!
Your sets are gorgeous!!! I WISH I could order something right now but money will not allow. I LOVE all of them!!
Jessica, congratulations on starting your own company! Your designs are really fun, I've been reading your blog for a long time and your stampin' style is fabulous. Good luck to you - I have a feeling I'll be ordering something in the not-too-distant future. ;)
Hi Jessica! I've been out of the loop! congratulations on starting up your own stamp company! I wish you lots of success and enjoy the journey! :)
Congratulations on your new stamps. I voted for Butterfly Happiness but I think a lot can be done with "Home is Where the Heart is". So I'm buying that one to start. Again, congrats to you.
These look lovely - do you post to U.K??
Wishing you every success
Carol :)
These are great stamp designs Jessica. I love the Here For you set. Double sizing the birds will allow fo so many variations. Groeat fortune to you in htis endeavor.
Congrats on the new adventure!! I love love love you're sets!!!
Hi Jessica!
From one entrepreneur to another--you go girl! Your stamps are fantastic! I wish you the best in your new journey. If may be hard at times, but you will succeed. Just set your goals and keep moving toward them!
Blessings to you!
~Korin Sutherland
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