Don't forget to check out this post to see how you can win one of FOUR stamp sets that are being given away!!
Happy Wednesday everyone! Can you see it??? Friday- it's just over the bend :) I hope that you are all having a wonderful week so far and finding some time to stamp! I took a (much needed!) break from computer work yesterday and stamped three cards and created Stampbook page. It felt so great to just stamp, stamp and stamp some more.
The Stampbook page I have to share with you today is cased from a super cute card from my dear friend Holly. She has been such an inspiration to me for years and I am so happy that we have become friends, she is one amazing lady :)
I chose this card of hers because I love how these colors look together as well as because she used the set she designed called You're So Punny. The critters in this set are too darn cute!!

For this page I used a few random pictures of my nutty girls. These crazy girls are a constant bundle of energy and CRAZY! They must get it from their dad ;). 
Also, I wanted to share with you guys that my friend Jen Tapler is giving away some great candy for her one year Blogoversary! Here are the details-
Check this out - Jen Tapler is hosting a challenge on her blog with over $250 worth of blog candy (including a TSG gift certificate and mini set!) up for grabs. You can read all the details HERE on Jen's blog. Jen's father, like 5.3 million other Americans, has Alzheimer's disease. By participating in her challenge, you will be helping Jen benefit the Alzheimer's Association. All you have to do is create a card, post a photo of it with a link back to Jen's challenge, and then mail her the card. In May, to kick off her Annual Stamp Out Alzheimer's Event, Jen will be hosting a charity auction where she will be auctioning off all of our handcrafted cards in altered card organizer boxes / tins. The money from those auctions will go directly to the Alzheimer's Association to help fund research, education, and support for caregivers. I always love a good challenge and it's so nice to know that with this one, I will be contributing to such an important and worthwhile cause. I hope you will join me.

Stampbooking Wednesday and Candy for a cause!!