I'm going to put my heart on my sleeve right now and it's not going to be easy for me. I don't like feeling vulnerable. The closer that my dream of owning my own stamp company is becoming, the more anxiety I am feeling. I have been putting my heart in soul into my designs and have been working from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed (Besides when I'm taking care of my family of course) for the last few weeks. I'm scared of feeling rejected, what if this just does NOT work??? Unlike some other stamp company owners, I don't have a college degree of any kind or years of experience in the craft industry. I'm just a stay at home mom. Like a lot of you are. I'm just trying to make this dream of mine come true in this very competitive market. I hope that my designs will speak for themselves and that they will be enough for people to want to come back for more. I'm not doing this to make money as much as I'm doing it because it's a passion. I know a lot of you share the same passion and can relate. I want to be able to have a personal relationship with every customer I can and make sure that they know how much I appreciate their business. As I was trying to fall asleep I have decided to do something that no other company does (to my knowledge). I want to make all of your stamp set design dreams come true too! What is the fun of having your own stamp company if you can't share that joy with everyone that surrounds you?! So starting at the time of my first release, I will use a random number generator to pick from the number of customers that I have had that month. (The 1st-31st) That person will then get to work with me on designing their dream stamp set to be released the following month. I want to do this for all of the stay at home moms and other stampers that wish that they could start their own stamp company too! I hope that you will all come on this journey with me. It sure would be lonely doing it by myself.
Thank you for letting me get all of that off my chest. I hope that you won't think I'm weak because of it! This whole experience is excited and terrifying all at the same time and of course I'm worried about rejection.
Ok, I think that I'm done rambling now :) I should probably try to go to bed since it is after 1:00 in the morning. Thank you all for your moral support, I REALLY appreciate it!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Need some moral support
Created by
There She Goes Clear Stamps
3:54 AM
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I am sure you will just be fine. I think that is a good idea with a customer helping you design a stamp or stamp set. I like your tree set. If you don't try you will never know if you will suceed.
First thing, I love your trees!! Just keep being yourself and everything will go okay. I'm glad to see you take the first step toward your dream. I'm looking forward to seeing your stamps.
My dear sweet Jess first of all never use that word JUST again. I like you am a stay at home mom, did not go to college, have no art training of any kind. We can talk all day about what you don't have but I would rather talk about what you do have. You are blessed with a wonderful family that loves you, good health, a great spriit, good looks (just seeing if you were paying attention LOL). You are also blessed in a major way with TALENT and a great compassion for others. I have great admiration for the fact that you are putting yourself out there for all to see that takes guts Sistah. I have a feeling you are going to be surprised at the response you will receive from the supportive and loving community of rubber stampers. I am wishing you the best of luck even though I don't think you need it. No matter how this turns out just remember what a great example you are setting for you girls. Now go out there and kick butt!!!!!
Love Ya, Debbie/Tawanda
Hi Jessica,
In a way I know how you feel, I don't own any bussines, but I have had fears before. I am an inmigrant in this country and at the beginning everything was really hard for me, I suppose that's the way you are feeling now envisioning your dream, your own company.
You have to try and see. I love your first set so far.
God bless you in this your new adventure.
What a great idea Jessica!!!
I am looking forward to seeing what you are your monthly designers will come up with!!
I envy your courage to take the plunge and hope that you are rewarded!!!!!
Holy cow, Jessica, that is a super sweet and generous idea you have! You are so brave and amazing to try this venture, and I can't wait to see what you do with it!
Every time I hear a SAHM use the word "just" I cringe because being a faithful wife and mother takes even more courage than starting a business. You already have a great idea for using your customer base for ideas and rewarding them with recognition for their creativity. The only advice I would give is to make sure you stay out of debt with your endeavor --(I'm a Dave Ramsey fan!) Go for it and see where the Lord leads!
I do not know you but have been following your blog and for all appearences I must say you sound like a wonderful person with a lot of courage......why to start your own business how great will that be, a grand adventure. Oh and I also would like to say please never never say "just" anything.everyone has a position in this life and being a mom is one of the best! I have several young women that work for me an they have all at one time or another have stated that they wished they could be stay at home moms. So it seems everyone wants to have something different in their lives at times. Just be proud of your family and how you "take care" of them. Back to your new adventure I love your tree set and will surely purchase it. I know you will have success.
Best wishes.
Patti M.
You have fun, original ideas. You'll do awesome! And especially drawing other people in by using their ideas... Great idea!
It's ok to vent your concerns--we're here for you! I really love your tree set as well. I'm sure that in this business, thriving as it is, it will take right off and it might get overwhelming with so many customers!! It's a great idea you had to involve customers' ideas for sets! That's the way to go. A design team to advertise on their blogs etc. I know how hard it is/was to be a SAHM, so it's really great to see you going out on a limb like this to make your dream come true. I only WISH I had what it takes to get something started. May the good Lord bless you richly in this new adventure. HUGS!!
YOU GO GIRL!!!!! SOOO many kudos to you and like others "just" is a 4 letter word... I have NEVER been the type to be waiting at the door with a plate of cookies for the family when they come home...I wish I was.... BUT...YOU and this stamp company of yours are going to take off, people are looking for new and exciting and boy howdy...this first set is getting there for me.... I'm SO posting your blog on the Ho thread!
PS I'm a neighbor and can pack boxes....SO when you fall behind on all these orders that are gonna come in....gimme a holler! :)
Everybody is just waiting for your stamp sets to be available so we can buy them! You'll do great! AND what a wonderful idea and great way to get more customers. You're going to do very well in this business with ideas like that......
The only way you will know if you will make it, is if you get out there any try. I admire your spirit and I would love to see all the designs that you come up with, because those trees are so cute. I wish you all the best and hope that your crativity will shine through your sets, as I know you are a creative woman.
Good luck!
I know how you feel, I am too working on starting my own business (not a stamp co. ) I feel anxiety and all sorts of feelings that make me feel like what have I done! I tell myself that life is short and I can do it. Feel free to email me, maybe we can support each other (:
Good Luck on your ne venture and I will be stalking your blog to see all the amazing things you will come out with.
You took the first step...And that's way more than a lot of people can say they have done.Just remember to keep it fun and that you are doing something you love and it will all be okay.Find someone you trust for finacial advice and GO FOR IT!
Also ....your idea of asking stampers for design ideas is a brillant idea.
Marie H.
I can't imagine how scary something like this is to take on...but based on your sneak peeks so far...I don't think you'll have any trouble! I'll definatly be a customer!!!
"JUST" a stay at home mom?! Umm...I don't consider myself a "JUST" anymore!! I've been doing it for a few years now and let me tell you, it's the hardest job that I've ever loved in my life! And as far as the competition...there will always be some and I'm sure this probably is a little nerve racking...BUT, if this is your dream, then PLEASE don't let anything stop you!! (Speaking from experience!) We live once and dream alot...so I would be MORE than happy to help you out in any way I can! If you need me to help spread the word, let me know!! Contact me ANYTIME!! I'm sure you will do well! You're very talented!! I say just go for it!! :)
good luck in your ventures...looks like you're off to a great start!
Jessica, thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us, you are very brave to tackle something this big and I commend you for it!
If I could tell you something, just make sure you have really good DT, that will help a ton!
Good luck!
Jennifer :)
i can imagine how you must be feeling. but better to feel these feelings now, than the feeling "oh, if only i had tried, i wonder how well i would've done...". congrats to you for feeling confident enough and having the passion to get out there and DO IT!!! again, i wish you the best!!! i look forward to seeing all of your sets (and maybe working with you at some point?? hehe!)!!!
That is so nice of you to do that. I browsed through all of your stamps and they are simply gorgeous!!!!! I wish you the best and can't wait till you go live.
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