Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend with my girls

The last couple of weeks have been very busy for our family so I was very much looking forward to just sitting back and relaxing with my little ladies this past weekend. Hunting season started for Matt so he was in and out all weekend and the girls and I just hung out. On Saturday my aunt came for a visit and then we spent time in our backyard playing enjoying the beautiful weather. Sunday was spent lounging around watching movies as well as our new weekly tradition of nail painting for the girls before they go back to school.

Kylie is doing really well and has even started to take her pills all on her own! We are so proud of her :) On Friday we had to giver her another at home injection of Methotrexate (scary stuff that is also used for cancer patients!). It was a little rough but I think next week will be even easier since she knows now that it isn't that bad and doesn't really hurt. She is anxious to get better and has even googled 'how to get rid of juvenile dermatoymostis' on her Nintendo DS lol! She goes back to Children's Hospital on Tuesday for a full day of testing and also to get another Hemoglobin infusion.

Chloe and Kylie started school last week and are doing awesome! They both love their teachers and are excited to keep going back. Kayla and I have been enjoying our days together as well. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she enjoys playing independently and she loves to go play outside with one of the neighbor's dogs 'Goldy'.

Here are some pictures that I took Saturday afternoon while we were hanging out in the backyard-

Knutsen Girls 


Crafty Math Chick said...

Your girls are so sweet. Terrific pictures! I am glad you had a good weekend with your girls Jessica.


Judy McMullen said...

Love the pix of your girls...You take wonderful professional!! Keeping Kylie in my prayers. She is such a brave girl! My DH is on methotrexate for his Rhuematoid Arthritis but he takes his in pill form.

Anonymous said...

You make good looking kids there my friend!